Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wisconsin pictures

Abby loved the snow!

She kept slipping as she tried climbing the hill so daddy rigged up a climbing rope for her. She was cute as a little moutain climber.

One of the few times Jayda decided to brave the snow.
Keeping occupied during a 4 hour layover in Kansas City.
Bowling with uncle Jordan.
They were so cute with the little bowling shoes!
Baking Christmas cookies for Santa
Sporting their Christmas Eve jammies. "And we're jammin', jammin', jammin', jammin', I wanna jammin' you" Jayda sings
Christmas morning

Abby and Grandma Kuehnl. What a goof she is.


Polly Blevins said...

How fun! Your girls are getting big. Layovers are bad enough but much worse with kids. I feel for you.

Jesse said...

Hey Chani, it's Jesse Palmer. I found your blog through Liz's. It was so fun to see pictures of your family. Your little girl looks just like you. Lucky girl! Take care.