Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ahhh neighbors!

We were at the park the other day and Abby found a kitty cat. "Oh, it's so cute," she says as she pets it and kisses it. The kitty cat played with her on the playground and when it was time to leave, she wanted to bring it home with her. So she, so graciously, gave up her seat in the stroller and we buckled the kitty in and brought it home. Now it goes everywhere with us. On walks, to the store, to the restaurant, it really likes riding in the stroller so we buckle it up in abby's seat and abby walks everywhere (anything for the kitty cat). I've posted a picture of Abby holding her kitty cat.
Isn't it the cutest little kitty you've ever seen? Its so soft, and so kissable.
And for those of you who didn't know, we also have a monkey living in the elephants house in our neighborhood.
I'm having so much fun with her imagination. This age is so fun.

Abigail is to that age where you really have to watch what you say. She's starting to mimic everything she hears and sees. A few examples...

I found a computer game for toddlers online and when I asked if she wanted to play a game on the computer she got excited and said yes, hopped into the chair and then put her hands on the keyboard, looked at me and said "I'm going to check my email first."

A few weeks ago she had something she needed opened and she handed it to me and said "Open it dude!"

A couple days ago I was cooking dinner. I had a minute while I was waiting for something to boil so I was in the living room goofing with Abby and all of a sudden she stopped laughing and got a serious look on her face and said "I'm fed up. Go cook dinner" as she pointed to the kitchen... and then she started laughing again. guess who she's imitating...the neighbor who's always yelling at her kids and dog. I heard abby yelling today "Shane! (shane is the dog) Shaaane! Shut your face! Get out of her Shane! Shane! Shut your face!" and a few minutes later I hear "Nikki (one of the kids name). Do I need to spank you? You gonna get spank. Nikki get over here." and she says this all with the same mean voice the neighbor uses and its not my sweet little girls voice. What do you do with neighbors like that???

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jayda has been trying so hard to figure out crawling, but this is how she's been getting around this week.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Bay Beach

playing in the wading pool at Bay BeachWhile we were in Wisconsin, we went to this little kid amusement park called Bay Beach in Greenbay. Jason went there a lot as a kid. Abby had so much fun. She was so cute riding in all the boats and cars all by herself. I had one of those moments where all of a sudden I realized she's growing up. She's a little kid now, not my little baby. Its exciting and sad at the same time. Here's some quick videos of Abby on the rides and some photos.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

This is new

I'm new to the blogging world, but it seems to be the thing to here I am. Its taking me a little longer than I thought to figure this whole thing out, so I've ran out of time to add anything exciting to the page. I'll try to be back soon with something interesting.